at this court it was shown by the homage that
Joan Pierson
Jonas Bysouth
his wife
Thos Evans
his wife
Geo Elkin
his wife were paid and satisfied by
Ambrose Waller
20li of legal money of England according to the form and effect of a certain condition contained and made in a certain surrender by them to the use of the aforesaid
Ambrose Waller
and his wife and the heirs of the aforesaid
which same said surrender is enrolled in a court roll bearing the date
and furthermore the aforesaid
Ambrose Waller
present here in court showed the acquittance made by the aforesaid
Jonas Bysouth
Thos Evans
Geo Elkin
signed by the aforesaid
Joan Pierson
Jonas Bysouth
Thos Evans
Geo Elkin
with their signatures and writing and he humbly sought for the aforesaid writing to be enrolled in the rolls of this court and it was granted to him the tenor of which is in the following words viz be it known unto all men by these presents that we
Joan Pierson
Essex single woman
Jonas Bysouth
of Chappel husbandman and
my wife
Thos Evans
of Halstead in the said county weaver and
my wife
Geo Elkin
of Bocking in the said county comber and
my wife received and had the day of the date hereof of
Ambrose Waller
of Earls Colne yeoman 10li of lawful money of England due to be paid to us for a certain little meadow in Earls Colne aforesaid containing by estimation 1a more or less according to the form and effect of a certain conditional surrender given by us of the said meadow to the use of the said
Ambrose Waller
and his heirs as by the said surrender
the said
Ambrose Waller
to the said meadow more at large may appear in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals
be it known unto all men by these present that we
Joan Pierson
Essex single woman
Jonas Bysouth
of Chappell husbandman and
my wife
Thos Evans
of Halstead weaver and
my wife
Geo Elkin
of Bocking comber and
my wife have received and had the day of the date hereof of
Ambrose Waller
of Earls Colne in the said county yeoman 10li of lawful money of England due to be paid to us for a certain little meadow in Earls Colne aforesaid containing by estimation 1a more or less according to the form and effect of a certain conditional surrender given by us of the said meadow to the use of the said
Ambrose Waller
and his heirs and by the said surrender and admittance of the said
Ambrose Waller
to the said meadow more at large appeareth in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals