Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr22)

24.7.1650 (Wednesday 24 July 1650)

document 34800917

and furthermore at this court it is shown by the homage that Wm Ellis senior customary tenant of the aforesaid manor after the last general court viz 28.1.last surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Robt Cunliffe instead of the bailiff in the presence of Robt Till and Jn Browne two customary tenants of the aforesaid manor the same testifying all that customary messuage or tenement called Loshes or by whatever other name it is recognised and all lands meadows and pastures pertaining to the said messuage or tenement with appurtenances containing in all by estimation 40a lying in White Colne or elsewhere in the county of Essex and then in the tenure and occupation of Jn Deane or his assigns and all his other customary lands and tenements held of the aforesaid manor to the use and behoof of Wm Ellis junior his son and Susan his wife and the heirs of the body of the said Wm Ellis junior and Susan his wife legitimately procreated upon the condition that the aforesaid Wm Ellis senior and his assigns should have hold occupy and enjoy the aforesaid messuage lands and other premises with all their profits during his lifetime but because after proclamation was three times made the aforesaid Wm Ellis junior and Susan his wife nor either of them did not come to take the premises out of the hands of the lord and to agree for the fine therefore there is a precept to the bailiff of the manor to seize the premises into the hands of the lord and to reply concerning the profits at his next payment of accounts