Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr23)

20.10.1659 (Thursday 20 October 1659)

document 35101314

Eliz wife of Thos Ball to Matthews Acre and several other parcels of land whereas at a court held for the said manor 29.3.1627 Jn Lucas and Mary his wife and Mary the eldest daughter of the said Jn and Mary were admitted tenants that is to say the said Jn and Mary his wife for the term of their natural lives and the said Mary the daughter to her and her heirs in remainder after the decease of the said Jn and Mary his wife according to the surrender and last will and testament of Rich Bird deceased to one tenement and garden adjoining called Matthews Acre to one piece of land with a well in it late parcel of a tenement late Thos Elmested to one croft of land with appurtenances called Olmested Croft with a barn at the south end of the said croft built to one tenement with the appurtenances called Flamemans to a garden called Grapnells except and reserved to the lord of the said manor and his heirs a way of two carts breadth between the said garden and a messuage late of Barth Church to one piece of pasture and aldercarr containing 4a more or less late parcel of 10a of land called Treddgoulds Fenn as the said piece lieth between the lands called Dagnall Hill on the north and the common way leading from Earls Colne to the common meadow there and the said aldercarr towards the south one head thereof abutting upon the meadow then of Jas Pennocke on the west to 2a20p of meadow lying in Kemborne Meadow in Earls Colne aforesaid to 1a of land late parcel of Tredgoulds Fenn late parcel of the lord's demesnes one head thereof abutting upon the said way leading to the said common meadow on the south and the other head abutting upon Curds Meadow north and upon the residue of the said Tredgoulds Fenn on the east and to one pasture enclosed called Lythards also Newmans with their appurtenances now at this court it was presented by the homage that the said Mary Lucas the mother divers years since died and that the said Jn Lucas did her survive and that also that afterwards the said Mary the daughter died without heir of her body and that Eliz now the wife of Thos Ball the elder is sister and heir of the said Mary the daughter and it was further presented by the homage that the said Jn Lucas since the last court died of the said premises so seised whereupon at this court the said Thos and Eliz did come in their own persons and desired the said Eliz be admitted tenant of all and singular the said premises to which said Eliz the lord of the said manor by his said steward hath granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold all and singular the premises with their and every of their appurtenances except as is before mentioned be excepted to the said Eliz her heirs and assigns forever of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the several rents and services due and of right accustomed and the said Thos gave to the lord for her fine and so she was admitted tenant