Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr23)

20.10.1659 (Thursday 20 October 1659)

document 35101655

Rich Hatch and Mary his wife to Sextons Tenement at this court Rich Hatch customary tenant of the manor did come and did in open court surrender into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of his said steward one tenement or cottage and garden with the appurtenances called Sextons Tenement to the use of him the said Rich and of Mary his now wife and of the heirs and assigns of the said Rich forever which premises the said Rich did take to him and his heirs at a court held for the said manor 18.1.1649 and thereupon the said Rich did desire that he and the said Mary might be admitted tenants of the same to which said Rich in his own person and the said Mary by the hands of Jas Day her deputy in that behalf the lord of the said manor by his said steward hath granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the same tenement or cottage garden and appurtenances to the said Rich and Mary and the heirs and assigns of the said Rich forever of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents and services due and they gave to the lord for their fine