Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr24)

14.4.1681 (Thursday 14 April 1681)

document 35800066

whereas at court here held 16.10.1673 Wm Allen was admitted to him and his heirs to one piece of land or marsh customary containing by estimation 1a lying between the river on one part and a way called Pease Lane on the other part and at the last court here held it appeared to the homage that 1.1.1680 the said Wm Allen surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Geo Toller gentleman instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Garrett and Rich Hatch two customary tenants of the manor etc all his messuages lands and tenements held of this manor to the use of his last will and that the said Wm Allen died after the last court now at this court came Ann Allen and showed here in court the last will of the said Wm Allen dated 6.1.1680 the tenor concerning the premises in the following words imprimis I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Allen those my lands lying and being in White Colne being one field or close containing 2a more or less and one meadow containing 1a more or less in my own occupation to her and her heirs forever in lieu and for a full satisfaction for a portion of 65li received by me which was given her by her grandmother Stallion and upon this the said Ann Allen present in court humbly asked for admittance to whom the lord by the steward delivered seisin to have and to hold the said piece of land or marsh with appurtenances to the said Ann Allen her heirs and assigns of the lord etc and she gave fine and fealty was respited