Sept: 21. This week past the lord was very good, and merciful to me, and mine in all our outward mercies, my wife nurses her son very hopefully. god preserved us all from the smallpox, which has been and still is in town, but when I eye his goodness to me in my everlasting estate, oh what shall I say to this way of god, the lord good to me in keeping my heart from many annoying vanities, the lord is to be feared for his judgements which he executes, when the Hollander rejoiced in the false news of our fall, the enemy fell at Worcester, god has been very terrible to Scotland, many of their nobility, slain, imprisoned, and fled into strange lands and that in a very short season, their break began. Aug. 28. at Ellett. then somewhat more, a little after at Dumfreeze, then Sep: 1: at Dundee and then Sep. 3. at Worcester, and in their pursuit they are even almost all taken, oh fear, England, and honour god, least he turn the wheel upon thee also, the lord was good to me in the word, pressed upon gods people to search their hearts and walk answerable to his great salvation.