and further at this court it was presented by the homage that
Hen Aymes
since the last court that is to say upon
did surrender into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of
in place of the bailiff and in the presence of
Wm Adams
Walt Pease
two customary tenants of the said manor all that his parcel of customary land with a cottage thereupon built late parcel of a customary tenement called
to the use of
Geo Hunwicke
his heirs and assigns upon condition that the said
Geo Hunwicke
his heirs and assigns shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said
his heirs executors or administrators at or in the now dwelling house of the said
Hen Aymes
in Earls Colne the sum of 12li of lawful English money in manner following that is to say 12s yearly at the feasts of the annunciation and michaelmas by equal portions until the said 12li be paid the first payment thereof to begin at the feast of the annunciation next following the day of the said surrender and in default of payment of the said 12li in manner aforesaid that then the said surrender to be void but because after proclamation twice made the said
came not in to be admitted therefore a precept was directed to the bailiff to seize the said premises etc