Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr79)

16.1.1655 (Tuesday 16 January 1655)

document 39101175

whereas at a court held for the said manor 11.6.1633 Frances Church wife of Jn Church the elder was admitted tenant for the term of her life to three parcels of customary land called Warkmans lying on the backside of the messuage called Sonnells the remainder thereof to Jn Church the younger and his heirs upon the surrender of the said Jn Church the elder yet upon condition that the said Jn Church the elder should take the profits of the said parcels of land during his life according to the tenor of the said surrender now at this court it was presented by the homage that the said Jn Church the younger in the lifetime of the said Frances died without heir of his body and that afterwards the said Frances died and that the said Jn Church the elder since the last court died and that Barth Church is brother and heir to the said Jn Church the younger who being present in court desired to be admitted tenant to the said parcels of land to whom the lord of the said manor by his said steward did grant and deliver thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the said three parcels of land with the appurtenances to the said Barth Church his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents services and customs due and he gave to the lord for a fine and did his fealty