Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr80)

6.11.1679 (Thursday 6 November 1679)

document 39901550

whereas at a court here held 4.1.1658 Rich Harvy was admitted to him and his heirs to one pightle of land called Wards with a cottage thereon built lying upon a garden then late of Jn Booner and now of Wm Fawcett on the west part and a garden then late Jn Tilwick's and now Wm Stebbing's on the east and south and upon a highway to the north now at this court it appeared to the homage that the said Rich Harvy 25.3.31Chas2 surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of Geo Toller gentleman instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Fletcher and Jas Pryor two customary tenants of the manor etc the said pightle and cottage aforesaid and the reversion and remainder etc and all his title interest claim or demand whatsoever etc to the sole and proper use of Wm Fawcett of Earls Colne bricklayer his heirs and assigns forever which Wm Fawcett present here in court humbly petitioned admittance etc to whom the steward delivered seisin etc to have and to hold the said pightle and cottage to the said Wm Fawcett his heirs and assigns of the lord etc and he gave the lord for fine etc and made fealty etc