Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr81)

18.4.1693 (Tuesday 18 April 1693)

document 40201502

at a court here held 2.4.1669 Rich Wilson was admitted to one messuage or tenement with yards gardens and orchards pertaining called Brayes situate in Church Street in Earls Colne now at this court it appeared that the said Rich died so seised and that Sarah wife of Thos Stedd is his daughter and heir who present was admitted etc and gave fine etc and after her admittance the said Thos Stedd and Sarah his wife she solely examined by the steward etc surrendered the said messuage or tenement to the use of Wm Downes for and during the term of his life and after his decease to the use of Eliz his wife and the heirs of the said Eliz forever and the said Wm Downes present in court was admitted etc and gave fine and fealty respited