at this court it appears to the homage that Jn Flamer and Eliz his wife customary tenants of manor came before the deputy steward and Eliz first by said deputy steward solely and secretly examined and consenting as the law is surrendered by the rod into hand of lord by hand of deputy steward according to custom of manor all that parcel of land containing 20p more or less being a garden belonging to a messuage sometime in occupation of Margt Holden widow and then late in occupation of Jn Brewster or assigns and also three crofts of land containing by estimation 4a more or less called Pitchcrofts also Petcrofts also Petticrofts held by annual rent 2s6d and other services with all and singular appurtenances in tenure or occupation of Geo Wall his assigns and held of this manor by copy of court roll to sole and proper use of Geo Wall of Earls Colne in the county of Essex clothier heirs and assigns forever which Geo Wall present here in court humbly petitions etc admitted to premises made his fealty