also at this court it is found by homage that 23.2.last Thos Williamson and Mary his wife customary tenants of manor did surrender by rod into hands of lords by hands of Solomon Grimston gentleman deputy steward she Mary being first solely and secretly examined by said steward and consenting as manner is according to custom all that messuage or tenement and one croft of land thereunto belonging containing by estimation 2a more or less parcel of Bowerfields situate in Earls Colne now or late in tenure or occupation of Thos Williamson his assignee or assigns held of manor by copy of court roll with every of appurtenances to use of Zach Child of East Thorpe in county aforesaid yeoman his heirs and assigns forever upon condition that if Thos Williamson his heirs executors administrators or assigns or any of them should well and truly pay or cause to be paid Zach Child his executors administrators or assigns at or in the now dwelling house of Zach Child situate in East Thorpe the full sum of 30li15s of money of Great Britain on ensuing without any deduction defalcation or abatement of or for any taxes or any other charges or payments whatsoever then surrender to be void or else to be in force