there is inquisition made by the virtue of the steward's office upon the oath of Thos Hunt Hen Payne Wm Attewood Ralph Preston Jn Leteman Jn Pake Robt Morden Jn Atte Parke Thos Kelet Jn Wright Jn Passemer and Wm Atte Frethe who say that one tenement called Smythes the tenement sometime Jn Adam's the tenement called Pantries which tenements Thos Smythe holdeth and occupieth are ruinous therefore the said Thos is charged that he cause the said tenements to be repaired against the next leet day under pain of forfeiture of the said tenements and that part of the lands of the said tenements are embladed with corn therefore it is given in charge to seize the said land so embladed so that the corn thereupon may be employed in the reparation of the said tenements