inquisition Jn Besouth inquisition | whereas at a court held with view on the tuesday in pentecost week 2.6.12Hen4 it was presented to seize into the hands of the lady one cottage with garden adjoining with appurtenances lying between a tenement of Rich Lethard on one part and the king's highway leading from the priory of Colne to Colchester late of Joan Werde and afterwards of Jn Sextayn therefore it is presented to seize into the hands of the lord etc and to return to the lord of the profit etc item it is presented to seize into the hands of the lady one croft of land containing 3a which Jn Besouthe of Tey died seized thereof on the day that he died which he held from the lady etc which he had by the surrender of Andrew Adam as shown in a roll of a court here held in pentecost week 5.6.4Hen4 therefore it was presented to seize into the hands of the lord etc and to return to the lord of the profits etc item it was presented to seize into the hands of the lady one cottage sometime of Thos Prodeman which Wm Arnewey bought of Wm Omund chaplain in contradiction of the lady's right etc therefore it was presented to seize into the hands of the lord etc and to return to the lord of the profits etc |