Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr70)

13.6.1508 (Tuesday 13 June 1508)

document 60400375

fine 6d at this court it is found by the homage that Robt Clerke out of court and since the last court surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of Roger Hitchcock one of the lord's tenants in the presence of Rich Curlewe likewise the lord's tenant the same witnessing one messuage with a curtilage adjoining and lying between the messuage late Robt Kirton's after Jn Haies and now Wm Choppets clerk of the one part the head thereof abutting upon the highway leading from Colne aforesaid toward Halsted and upon the Tollehouse Greene to the use of Robt Turnebull and Maud his wife and their heirs to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered by the rod to hold to the same Robt and Maud and their heirs of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord etc and they give to the lord for fine and made fealty