Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr71)

25.5.1518 (Tuesday 25 May 1518)

document 61200303

fine 6d at this court it is found that Maud late the wife of Robt Turnebull which held to her and her heirs of the lord according to the custom of the manor one messuage with a curtilage adjoining and the appurtenances situate and lying between the messuage late Robt Kirtons after Jn Haies and now Wm Choppets clerk of the one part one head thereof abutting upon the highway leading from Colne aforesaid toward Halsted and upon the Tollehouse Greene the foresaid Maud died of and in the foresaid messuage with the curtilage adjoining with the appurtenances before the last court thereof sole seised in her demesne as of fee according to the custom of the manor and that Margt now wife of Jn Estaie is daughter and next heir thereto of the said Maud and of full age and because it is so found she is admitted the lord's tenant to hold to her and her heirs of the lord by the rod to the will etc and she giveth fine etc and made fealty