release of
X | 2s6d to this court comes
Wm Thurston
clerk cousin and next heir of
Jn Fontes alias Butler
deceased and in full court remised and forever from him and his heirs always quitclaimed to
Jn Culverton
and his heirs in their peaceable possession being all the right title estate claim interest and demand which they ever had have or by any means hereafter might have of and in one tenement with the lands to the same belonging called
Stacyes otherwise John Adams
containing by estimation 15a of land and of and in one croft of meadow containing 1a2r lying under the lord's park with all and singular their appurtenances as by the metes and bounds etc viz so that neither he the foresaid
Wm Thurston
nor his heirs nor any other for them or in his or their name may or ought hereafter to challenge any right title claim or demand of and in the foresaid tenement with the lands to the same belonging nor in any parcel thereof but are clean abarred from all action of right forever by these presents and he giveth fine for enrolling this release as appears