Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr76)

13.9.1582 (Thursday 13 September 1582)

document 66301453

fine     Litle Bredgemans it is found by the homage that Jn Barret that held to him and his heirs of the lord by the rod etc one croft of customary land now commonly called Litle Bredgemans of ancient time enclosed in one and now divided into two crofts as etc as by copy of court roll here holden 19.6.12Eliz1 more at large appears died since the last court and before his death lying on his death bed surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of Jn Churche instead of the bailiff in the presence of Barth Churche and Thos Leffingwell the lord's custom ary tenants and other the same witnessing the foresaid croft of land amongst other things as in the former entry