in most humble wise showeth and complaineth unto your excellent majesty your faithful subjects
Jn Burnham
Jn Prentice
Jn Reynold
Wm Reve
that where the right rev father in god
bishop of London
by his letters under his seal by your highnesses authority and by virtue of an act of parliament made gave authority unto your subjects and to every of them to sequester all tithes fruits oblations and profits belonging unto the priory of the church of Colne Engaine whereof
Xoph Grenyng
clerk is parson there to whose hands the said tithes fruits oblations and profits did come for that the tenths and subsistence of the said rectory were not unto your highness paid according under the said statute in that case provided and made as by the said letters of the said bishop ready to be showed more plainly doth and may appear which said sequestration your said subjects declared openly in the said parish church unto the parishioners so
most gracious sovereign lord that
Wm Hunwick
Alan Hunwick
Jn Lovell
Jn Cutler
Edm Cutler
the sequestration affirmed not regarding the
with force and arms that is to say with swords bucklers bows and arrows and other manner of weapons in manner of war armed riotously in riotous manner came into a field in Colne aforesaid called
Potters Field
the tithe whereof belonged unto the said rectory and there with like force carried out of the said field their loads of wheat rye barley and pease which were got out by mr
Jn Potter
the elder for his tithes there and would in no wise permit your said subjects to take and carry the same away saying unto your said subjects that if they came thither to gather tithes it should cost them their lives contrary to your gracious laws and statutes in such cases provided and contrary to your peace and in great disturbance and let of sequestration aforesaid and to your highnesses great loss and damages and to the parlous example of all such high and ill disposed persons except condign punishment be unto them had in this behalf in consideration whereof it may please your highness the premises considered to grant several writs of subpoena to be directed unto the said
Wm Hunwick
and the other ill disposed persons commanding them by the same personally to appear before your most honourable council in the star chamber at Westminster at a certain day and under a certain pain by your highness to be limited thereto answer unto the premises and after to abide such decree and order as your said honourable council shall take in that behalf and your said subjects shall daily pray to god for your estate long to endure