Star Chamber (PRO STAC8/163/9 Rich Harlakenden v Wm Eedies et al)

16.7.4Jas1 (Wednesday 16 July 1606)

document 19100916

Jn Sillitoe butcher he is indebted to Wm Strutte for 22s or thereabouts which he has owed for about six years he only heard about Wm Eedies new lease about half a year ago and presumes that the lease was made by the earl to Mary Pullen wife of Eedies he heard it reported that Wm Eedies had assigned over his interest in the lease to the countess of Oxford for 50li10s and has had 10li of it and to get 20li more at michaelmas on a sunday in .5.last past he came to the mill to see how the Eedies were hearing they were hurt he found them there and Mary out to fetch wood to make a fire and she said in a loud voice "what do you here what will you spoil me" and then he ran to her and saw Jn Cooper in the mill weaponed with a pitchfork not knowing that he was there Cooper desperately came at Mary Sillitoe caught the pitchfork he then asked him if he meant to kill her and Cooper ran off Dan Rande came later