indenture made
witnesseth that
Thos Piper
Jn Whighte
churchwardens and
Dan Baylie
Dan Leaper
overseers of Earls Colne and also with the consent of sir
Wm Luckin
bart kt and
Hen Ayloffe
esq two justices of the peace have by these presents put placed and bound
Wm Cranfield
being a poor fatherless and motherless child apprentice to and with
Jn Williamson
of Earls Colne yeoman and as an apprentice with him the said
to dwell and serve from the date hereof until the said
Wm Cranfield
shall come to the age of twenty four years during which time he shall serve his master etc and also the said
Jn Williamson
doth covenant and promise to keep his apprentice in food etc and all things needful in witness the said parties have set hands and seals the paper being first stamped with two 6d stamps according to the statute
Jn Williamson
W Luckyn
Hen Ayloffe
justices of the peace witnesses
Wm Chapman
Sam Burton
(another exact copy has
Thos Piper
Jn White
Dan Bayly
Dan Leaper