know all men that I
Dan Rogers
of Earls Colne yeoman do hereby acknowledge myself to be indebted and stand bound to
Isaac Potter
churchwarden and
Robt Haxall
Jn Cook
overseers of the poor of the parish of Earls Colne in the full and just sum of 50li to be paid unto the above or their successors for the time being and for payment well and truly to be paid I bind me and my heirs executors etc
condition is such that whereas
Eliz Rogers
the daughter of the above bounden
Dan Rogers
is of late unlawfully begotten with child and by her examination and confession doth acknowledge that
Jn Grimston
the younger of Feering gentleman begot the said child on the body of
now if therefore the said
Dan Rogers
his heirs executors or administrators shall from time to time acquit discharge etc the above of all costs and charges that arise happen come grow or be imposed on them by reason of the birth education nourishing and bringing up of the said child and of and from all other actions charges troubles demands whatsoever concerning the same
Dan Roggers
Jn Grime
Sam Burton