to all constables and his majesties officers of the peace whereas Sarah Hutton single of the parish of Earls Colne on her examination taken this day in writing and upon oath before me and voluntarily declared that she is with child that is likely to be born a bastard and be chargeable to the parish of Earls Colne and the said Sarah Hutton hath in the examination charged Francis Powlett of Kelvedon yeoman of having fathered the said child on her body of which she is now pregnant and whereas the chuchwarden and overseer of the poor of the parish of Earls Colne hath made application to me for the immediate apprehending of the said Francis Powlett to answer to the premises these are therefore in his majesties name to authorize and require you and every of you to apprehend the said Francis Powlett and bring him before me or some other of his majesties justices of the peace for the said county so they may proceed against him as the law directs given under my hand and seal 22.11.1751 Xoph Wilson