in the name of god amen the
Edw Payne
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex being sick in body but of whole and perfect memory laud and praise be to almighty god do make and ordain my testament containing therein my last will in manner and form following first I commit my soul to almighty god the father the son and the holy ghost and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Earls Colne item I give towards the reparation of the church 12d and to the poor of the aforesaid town 2s to be paid within 1m next after my departure item I give to young
my daughter my best bed standing over the hall with all things belonging to the same also a table in the parlour with a frame a settle with two joined stools and two joined forms of this condition that her mother shall have the use of them during her natural life also I give to her eight pieces of pewter item I give to my daughter
of Much Waltham 10s of good English money to be paid within 1m next after my departure if she be dead then I will the said 10s to be paid to
Margt Webb
her daughter item I give to my son
five children 10s of good English money to be equally divided amongst them and within 1yr next after my departure also I give to
Rich Payne
my son my best coat and best doublet and my over stocks and nether stocks item I give to
my son a sword my cloak and canvas doublet item I give to the three children of
Jn Wade
of Coggeshall my son in law 3s of good English money to be paid within 1yr next after my departure item I give to
Eliz Adhames
the daughter of
Geo Adhames
6s8d of good English money to be paid unto her at 18yr of age or else at and upon the day of her marriage item I give to
Joan Adhames
my daughter 20s of good english money to be paid within two years next after my departure also I give to her a table and a form standing over the parlour to be delivered unto her after the departure of
Joan Payne
my wife all the rest of my goods and debts paid and my body honestly brought to the ground I give to
Joan Payne
my wife whom I make my only and sole executrix to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have put to my hand the day and year above written
Edw Payne
signed and delivered in the presence of us
Wm Adhams
Rich Payne