in the name of god amen upon the
etc I
Thos Underwood
of Coggeshall in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but of perfect remembrance thanks be unto god therefore do by good advisement and deliberation ordain and make this my present last will and testament in manner and form following utterly revoking and disannuling all former wills and testaments heretofore by me ordained and made first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my most merciful father in jesus christ through whose merits in his blood I am assured that all my sins are washed away and clearly pardoned and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Coggeshall aforesaid at the discretion of mine executrix hereunder named
item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the parish of Much Tey 20d item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of Coggeshall aforesaid the sum of 5s
item I give and bequeath unto
my wife all that mine interest right title and term of years yet to come and unexpired of in and to all that the farm wherein I now dwell called Hoofeilds Grange together with all the stock and store household stuff and implements of husbandry whatsoever as well within the house as without upon this condition following that is to say that she the said
within one month next after my decease with one sufficient surety with her shall become bounden unto
Stephen Underwood
of Marks Tey yeoman and
Rich Underwood
of Much Tey aforesaid yeoman my natural brethren
Jn Allyson
of Coggeshall woollen draper and
Thos Cowper
of Coggeshall aforesaid yeoman by bill obligatory in the sum of 100li of good and lawful money of England with condition thereupon to be endorsed that she the said
within three months next after my decease shall as well prove this my last will and testament in due form of law as also that she her executors or administrators shall faithfully satisfy content and pay or cause to be satisfied contented and paid all the debts which I owe unto any person or persons whatsoever and all such legacies and bequests as I have given and bequeathed by this my present last will and testament according to the true meaning thereof and shall also bring up my children in godliness and virtue and shall further observe perform and fulfil and keep all and singular the articles covenants grants and agreements mentioned and contained in the indenture of lease of the said farm called Hoofeilds Grange which on the part and behalf of me the said
Thos Underwood
mine executor administrator or assign are to be observed performed fulfilled and kept according to the purport and true meaning of the said indenture and upon the refusal of the said
my wife to enter into such bond accordingly I will and my mind is that
Jn Wade
of Pateswick husbandman and
Jn Underwood
my son shall have all that mine interest right title and term of years yet to come of in and to all that the said farm called Hoofeilds Grange and other the premises in such manner and form to all respects as the said Julian should have had the same if she had not made such refusal item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter the sum of 10li of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto her within 1year next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter the like sum of 10li of like good and lawful money of England to be paid unto her within two years next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto
my daughters to every of them the like sum of 10li of like good and lawful money of England to be paid to them and every of them when they and every of them shall accomplish their several ages of 21years and if it shall happen that any of my said daughters do depart this world before such time as they and every of them shall accomplish the several ages aforesaid then I will and my mind is that that part or portion of her or them so deceasing shall be equally parted and delivered amongst the rest surviving and further my will and mind is that if it shall happen the said
my wife to be disposed to marry again that if the party with whom she is to marry shall not before the day of the solemnisation of such marriage enter into one sufficient bond or obligation in form of law unto the said
Stephen Underwood
Rich Underwood
Jn Allyson
Thos Cooper
or the survivor of them in the sum of 200marks of good and lawful money of England with sufficient surety or sureties with condition thereupon to be endorsed for the true payment of my debts and legacies by this my last will and testament given and bequeathed according to the true meaning thereof that then it shall be lawful to and for the said
Jn Wade
Jn Underwood
upon all the said farm called Hoofeilds Grange with the stock and store and all other the premises to enter and the same to hold occupy and enjoy to their own use they their executors or administrators doing performing and fulfilling all singular thing and things which my said wife is bound to do perform and fulfil by virtue of this my last will and testament and in like manner to all respects any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding item I give and bequeath unto the said
my wife all that my customary land called Kings lying in Much Tey aforesaid containing by estimation 6a be it more or less and 1a of ground lying near Much Tey church called the Vicarage Acre and 1a of meadow lying in Colne Meadow in the parish of Much Tey aforesaid for the term of her natural life and after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto the said
Jn Underwood
my son and to his heirs for ever and also I give and bequeath unto the said
my wife all those customary lands called 1r known by the name or names of Coocooks Friggs and Thislye Friggs lying in the parish of Much Tey aforesaid for the term of 3years next after my decease and after the end and expiration of the said term of 3years I give and bequeath the same customary lands called Coocooks Friggs and Thislye Friggs unto
Rich Underwood
my son and to his heirs for ever item I give and bequeath unto
Steph Underwood
my son and to his heirs for ever after the decease of the said
my wife all that my tenement called Herds with all the grounds thereunto belonging set lying and being in the parish of Much Tey aforesaid belonging set lying and being in the parishes of Much Tey aforesaid item I give and bequeath to
Wm Underwood
my son and to his heirs for ever after the decease of the said
my wife one parcel of ground called Trumpingtons Friggs as it is lying enclosed in the said parish of Much Tey item I give and bequeath unto
Thos Underwood
my son the best cow that he can choose amongst all my beasts item I give and bequeath unto
Margery Underwood
my mother the sum of 6s8d of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto her yearly during all the term of her natural life at two usual terms of the year that if to say at the feast day of st michael the archangel and the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary by even and equal portions
item I give and bequeath unto the said
Stephen Underwood
Rich Underwood
Jn Allyson
Thos Cooper
to every of them the sum of 5s of good and lawful money of England to be paid within 1month after my decease all other my goods unbequeathed my debts paid my will fulfilled and the charge of my burial defrayed and discharged I give and bequeath unto the said
my wife whom I ordain and make sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I ordain and make
Robt Litherland
supervisor of my said will and I give him the sum of 20s of good and lawful money of England in consideration of his pains to be taken therein in witness whereof I the said
Thos Underwood
have to these presents set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Thos Underwood
witnesses hereof
Robt Aylett
Thos Parmentor
Jn Allisonne
Robt Litherland
Peter Warwer
Thos Cowper
Jn Wade
Jn Broke