in the name of god amen the
Jn Warren
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex and the diocese of London husbandman being sick in body but of perfect mind and remembrance thanks be given unto the almighty god do ordain make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following imprimis I bequeath my soul unto the mercy of almighty god my only maker having an assured hope that by the death of jesus that I shall have perfect remission of all my sins and my body I willingly yield unto the earth from whence it came item I give and bequeath unto
Jn Warren
my eldest son the sum of 10li of lawful english money to be paid unto him as he cometh to the age of 21yr item I give unto
my daughter the sum of 10li of lawful english money to be paid unto her within two years next after my decease item I give unto
Joan Warren
my daughter the sum of 10li of like money to be paid unto her three years next after my decease item I will and my mind is that if any of my children do depart this world before such time as their legacies be delivered and paid that then I will that their part that shall depart the life shall be equally parted amongst the residue of them that shall then be alive item I give unto
Jn Warren
my eldest son my best feather bed with all thing thereunto belonging as it standeth all the residue of my goods and chattels heretofore not given and bequeathed my debts being paid and legacies discharged I do give unto
my wife who I make mine executrix upon this condition that she shall put in sufficient bond to
Jn Wangford
of Colne aforesaid the younger and
Wm Smythe
(may be Wm Smythe)
my brother in law my very loving friends within two months next after my decease for the true and faithful fulfilling of this my last will and if she happen to depart this world before she hath put in such sufficient bond as is aforesaid that then I will that her said portion with the residue of all my goods my debts being paid shall be equally be parted by my two said executors amongst my children and also I will that if
my wife do depart this life before she hath taken the benefit of this my will then I do give unto
Wm Smythe
(may be Wm Smythe)
her brother one of my best milch beast also I do nominate and appoint
Rich Astley
of Little Maplestead my very friend to be my supervisor for to see this my will delivered and truly observed and performed and to be aiding unto my said executors in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid
Jn Warren
sealed subscribed and delivered in the presence of
Robt Rookes
Wm Mote