in the name of god amen the
Sam Burton
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex being sick in body but whole and perfect in mind laud and praise be to god do ordain and make my testament containing therein my last will in manner and form following first I commit my soul into the hands of almighty god the father the son and the holy ghost and my body I willingly yield unto the earth from whence it came imprimis I give to
my wife my house barn and all my lands called by the name of
to her during her natural life upon this condition that she shall bring up my children and keep my houses in sufficient reparations and after her decease to my two daughters
Jane Burton
Ann Burton
and to their heirs equally to be divided betwixt them except my wife be with child with a boy then to him and to his heirs upon this condition that he shall pay or cause to be paid to either of my two daughters 5li of good lawful english money as they shall severally attain their years of twenty four item I give unto
Eliz Burton
my sister 10s of good english money to be paid unto her within two years next after my decease item I give unto
my sister 10s of good english money to be paid unto her within one year next after my decease all the rest of my goods and movables my debts paid and my body honestly brought into the ground I give to
Barbara Burton
my wife whom I make my only and sole executrix to this my last will and testament whereunto I have put my hand and seal the day and year above written
Sam Burton
sealed signed and delivered in the presence of us
Wm Adhams
Thos Smith
(may be Thos Smith)