in the name of god amen the
etc. I
Edw Wade
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be given to almighty god therefore do ordain and make this my present testament containing therein my last will in manner and form as hereafter ensues viz first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator and to jesus christ my redeemer by whose death and passion I steadfastly believe to be saved and my body to be decently buried in the earth wheresoever it shall please god to call me item as touching the disposition of my worldly goods lands tenements and hereditaments set lying and being in Earls Colne or elsewhere I will and bequeath them in manner following item I give and bequeath to
my wife all that my lands and tenements with the appurtenances thereunto belonging called by the name of
being now in the tenure and occupation of me the aforesaid
Edw Wade
during her natural life and after her decease I give and bequeath the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances unto my son
Jn Wade
and his heirs forever upon condition that my said son
shall pay unto
my daughter 10li of lawful english money within two years first and next after the said house and lands shall fall and come to his hands that is to say the first year 5li and the next year following that the other 5li to
my daughter 5li of lawful english money to be paid unto her by my said son
within four years next after the aforesaid lands shall come to his hands and also to my son
10li of lawful english money within ten years next after the said lands shall come into his hands which said sums of money if my said son
shall refuse to pay at their several times limited then I will give and bequeath the aforesaid lands and tenements to my son
Thos Wade
and his heirs forever he paying and discharging the several sums of money at the times specified item I will and my meaning is that
Jn Loveney
shall have his dwelling in my tenement called
Littell Couland
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and now in his tenure and occupation for the term of six years rent free in consideration of certain money I owe unto him the said term of six years to begin at the feast of michaelmas next ensuing the date hereof and after the term of the said six years I will that
my wife shall have the letting and setting of the said tenement until my son
shall come to the age of 21yr and that
my wife shall not make any strip or waste of my said grounds but shall maintain and uphold the said tenements before specified in good and sufficient reparations so long as she shall enjoy them item I give unto my son
Edw Wade
my tenement called
Littell Couland
with the orchard and other the appurtenances as there now are in the tenure and occupation of the aforesaid
Jn Loveney
at his age of 21yr to him and his heirs forever item I give unto
Thos Wade
my son 5li6s8d to be paid him at his age of 21yr by my executrix and if it shall happen my wife to marry before my son
shall have received his said legacy then I will that he with whom she shall so contract or marry shall before the solemnisation enter into sufficient bond for the payment of the said legacy to him bequeathed there to the hands of my supervisor hereafter named item I give to
Jn Loveney
my tenement 7s4d to be paid within six years after my decease all the rest of my goods and chattels movables and immovables wheresoever they be remaining yet unbequeathed and not given my debts being paid and legacies performed I give and bequeath them to
my wife and to her only use whom I ordain and make sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I nominate and appoint
Jas Pennock
my very good friend my supervisor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written these being witnesses
Franc Burton
Chas Huntesman
Wm Dashe
Edw Wade