Wills (ERO D/ACW12/9 Thos Machin 1633)

4.5.1633 (Saturday 4 May 1633)

document 4001350

in the name of god amen in 4.5.1633 etc I bequeath my soul to almighty my creator and to jesus my only saviour who died for my sins and rose again for my resurrection I bequeath my body to the earth from whence taken and to be comely and decently buried item I give to the poor of Pebmarsh 13s and a groat item to the poor of White Colne 13s one groat item to the poor of Earls Colne 20s item I give to Mary Bridge daughter of Wm Bridge of White Colne in the county of Essex 20s item I give and bequeath to Mary Permeter daughter of Jn Parmeter of White Colne aforesaid 10s of lawful money of England when she do attain the age of 21yr item I give to Eliazer Malyon my kinsman 40s of good and lawful money of England to be paid twelve weeks after my death item I do give to Jn Machin my brother 20li of good and lawful money of England to be paid to him at michaelmas next ensuing for and in consideration of an account for money I received being his guardian item more I give him my best suit of apparel my best coat best doublet best breeches hat ben# and hat shirtband stockings and garters item I do give to Ann Rooke wife of Rich Rookes 30s to be laid out by my executor for some apparel for her item I give to Grace Bowle wife of Jn Bowles the sum of 5li item I do ordain and make Jn Bowles of Pebmarsh in the county of Essex yeoman my executor to fulfil this my last will and testament my debts paid and my funeral expenses I do give the rest of my movable goods to Grace Bowles daughter of Jn Bowles my executor in witness hereof the day and year above written I have put my hand and seal mark Antho Scot mark Jeff Scot Thos Machin