in the name of god amen I
Wm Nevill
of Chapple in the county of Essex gent being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be given to god do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator trusting to have remission and pardon for all my sins through the merit of jesus christ my blessed saviour and redeemer and my body to be decently buried by the discretion of my executors so they laid me by my late loving wife imprimis I give and bequeath unto
Mary Nevill
my eldest daughter the farm lands called Much Tey Wale# Lands the lease being yet to come is from
nine years being worth to be let nigh 40li per annum item I give to my eldest son
all that farm or homestead which
Wm Nicholls
farmeth of me with all the lands which
hath in occupation both free and copy to him and his heirs forever and also the house and lands being in Chapple wherein I now dwell both free and copy being called Blowers and to his heirs upon condition that my son
pay unto my youngest son
at his age of 24yr if he shall so long live the sum of 400li and also my will and meaning is that my son
shall be possessed of those lands at his age of 24yr if he shall so long live item I give and bequeath to
Eliz Nevill
my second daughter and her heirs a tenement called Cockes being free with the free lands thereto belonging called Cockes Lands with the copyhold lands called Tuckelands and Harward Land and also 1a of meadow thereto belonging which
hath an annuity out of 20li out of it forever of his life therefore I will and bequeath that her 5li a year out of my before bequeathed lands to my son
towards the payment of this 20li a year willing that if
Wm Newton
shall die that the payment of that charge of 5li a year shall cease item I will and bequeath unto my daughter
Grizel Nevill
one parcel of copyhold land called
lying in Earls Colne being copyhold now in the tenure and occupation of
Sam Game
and to her heirs forever item I give and bequeath unto
Bridget Nevill
another of my daughters a parcel of land lying in White Colne and being copyhold called by the name of Chaddwells and 1a of meadow or pasture called Musterds alias Musterders being also copy and to her heirs forever item I give to my youngest daughter
and to her heirs if she shall accomplish the age of 17yr all the benefit and profit of money that shall arise out of a lease which I have to come at Colne Engaine from my brother
Rich Harlakenden
Ten Acres
item I will that if any of my daughters shall depart this life in their virginity and single life that their portions of them so departing and dead shall be equally divided amongst the surviving sisters and youngest brother item I do give and bequeath and allot unto my loving mother mrs
Mary Nevell
60li a year of lawful money of England to be paid her out of all my before devised and bequeathed lands and leases and the profits and rents that shall arise out of the same towards the bringing up of all my children in learning and good nurture or if my said mother shall not accept of the said yearly sum of 60li a year as is aforesaid that then my will and meaning is that she shall have my lease land called Tey Hall Land at 30li a year and my land called Cadwells and Musterds in White Colne at 8li per annum and 22li in money to be paid her out of the yearly rents of the lands at Colne
Wm Nevill
and if my said mother do take the lease of Tey Hall Lands as is aforesaid which I have in this my will and testament given and bequeathed unto
Mary Nevell
my eldest daughter I do give and bequeath unto my said daughter
30li per annum for the space of nine years from the feast of michaelmas last past before the date hereof out of the lands wherein
Wm Nicholls
now dwelleth being in Earls Colne to be paid to my said daughter
or her assigns half yearly during the said term of nine years by even and equal portions that is to say 15li at the feast of annunciation and 15li at michaelmas successively or within one and twenty days next after either of the said feasts the yearly sum of 30li for nine years every half year as is aforesaid to be paid unto my said daughter at my now dwelling house called Blowers by my under named executors item I do nominate and appoint my well beloved mother mrs
Mary Nevell
and my loving brother
Rich Harlakenden
gent of Earls Colne in the county of Essex esq and my loving friend
Edw Spooner
of Earls Colne yeoman my sole executors to this my last will and testament putting them in trust and entreating them to perform and execute this my last will and testament in all points according to my true intent purpose and meaning and all my chattels and movable goods I do give unto my said executors to pay my debts and to bring my body decently to the earth according to my degree and the remainder of my goods my debts and legacies paid and my funeral expenses discharged my will and meaning is shall remain to the use and benefit of my said children and I do make and constitute my beloved brother
Jn Edey
of Sudbury esq and mr
Wm Harlakenden
my cousin gent of Colne Wake my supervisors of this my will desiring then to do their endeavour to see this my will and testament truly and duly performed and fulfilled
my hand and seal this
declared to be his last will and testament in the presence of
Edm Turner
Jn Morley
Wm Nevill