in the name of god amen the
etc I
Dorothy Pease
of Markshall in the county of Essex and diocese of London widow being in good and perfect mind and remembrance I do give god thanks therefore I do make ordain and declare this my present last will and testament in manner and form following and I do hereby utterly renounce and revoke all former will or wills by me heretofore made whatsoever first and principally I commit and commend my soul into the merciful hands of almighty god the father the son and the holy ghost out of whose free favour and love I do steadfastly believe and hope to have the free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried in christian sepulchre according to my degree at the discretion of my under named executors in the sure and certain hope of resurrection of the same to eternal salvation and blessedness amongst all the elect and holy saints of god in and through the only merits and passion of jesus christ my only saviour and redeemer and for t
hat part and portion of worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased al
mighty god out of his free favour and love to endue me withal first I give and bequeath unto my under named executors my full power licence and lawful authority irrevocable to alien and sell all that my messuage houses lands and tenements both freehold and copyhold with
all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining by whatsoever name or names the same now are or heretofore hath been called situate lying and being in the parish of Felstead in the said county aforesaid to be sold as soon as possibly conveniently they can to best advantage presently after my decease and the money which the same shall be sold for I do give and bequeath as in these presents hereafter followeth viz item I give and bequeath unto every one of those parties living which are mentioned and expressed in the last will and testament of
Jn Everard
my husband deceased all their several portions or legacies by him given and bequeathed to be paid to all and every one of them by my said executors according to the true intent purpose and meaning of the said
Jn Everard
my said husband in his said last will and testament mentioned item I give and bequeath unto
Mary Stevenson
my daughter the sum of 20li of lawful money of England to be paid unto her presently after the sale of my messuage houses tenements and lands lying in Felstead upon this condition that she shall not demand any other legacy given unto her by any of my former husbands and in their wills mentioned and my will and meaning is that if it shall happen that the said
Mary Stevenson
shall die or depart out of this life before she shall receive this legacy before by me given and bequeathed then I will that the 20li shall be paid unto
Anna Stevenson
her daughter my grandchild presently after the decease of the said
her mother and I will that the said
Mary Stevenson
my daughter her mother shall have only the use of the said 20li before by me given during her natural life and not otherwise item I give and bequeath unto
Robt Pease
my son the sum of 20li of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto him within one year after the sale of the said houses lands or tenement aforesaid if it shall be by him lawfully demanded or at any time after within the term of ten years but if it shall happen that the said
shall not come to demand the same within the said term that then I do give and bequeath the said 20li before by me given to be equally divided between every one of my said children part and part alike which shall be then living item I give and bequeath unto
Walt Pease
my son the sum of 15li of lawful money of England reserved out of the sale of my said houses lands or tenements lying in Felstead item I give and bequeath unto
the now wife of
Thos Gilson
my daughter the sum of 40li of good and lawful money of England to be laid out upon a house yards garden or orchards with the appurtenances in some convenient place and for the best advantage and the title of the land to be made as sure as possible it can by law to the heirs of the body of the said
lawfully begotten or to be begotten and for want of such issue to the heirs of
Walt Pease
my son and his heirs forever and I will that the said house shall be bought and the lands
out by my executors and supervisor under named item I give and bequeath unto
Rich Kempe
my grandchild the sum of 10li of good and lawful money of England to be paid out of my said house lands or tenement as aforesaid item I give and bequeath unto
Jn Stevenson
Eliz Stevenson
Mary Stevenson
my grandchildren 20s apiece of good and lawful money of England item I give and bequeath unto
Thos Kempe
my grandchild 20s of lawful english money item I give and bequeath unto
Hen Pease
my son in law 20s of lawful english money and my will and meaning is that the 16li which
Rich Markes
Walt Pease
my two sons did enter bond to pay
Robt Saukin
his sister presently after the sale of the said house lands and tenements lying in Felstead shall be paid out of the same as aforesaid by my executors item I give and bequeath unto
the daughter of
Walt Pease
my son 10li of lawful english money all which said legacies afore mentioned by me given shall be paid out of my aforesaid house lands or tenements lying in Felstead item I give and bequeath unto
Mary Stevenson
Frances Gilson
my two daughters all my wearing apparel both linen and woollen and all my household stuff of what sort kind or condition soever the same be excepting one desk which I give unto the said
my son which now is in the house of
Jn Steevenson
and I will that
my daughter shall divide and
shall chose all the rest of the money which shall be spared out of the sale of the said houses lands and tenements aforesaid I do give and bequeath unto
Walt Pease
my son and to
Jn Steevenson
my son in law whom I do make and ordain to be my executors of this my last will and testament and I do make and ordain my loving friend
Wm Adams
of Earls Colne to be supervisor of this my last will and testament and I do give and bequeath unto him 20s of good and lawful money of England for his pains entreating him to be aiding and assisting unto my said executors in the sale of the said houses lands and tenements aforesaid in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the day month and year above written sealed delivered published and declared as her last will and testament in the presence of us
Wm Adams
Joan Adams
Wm Adams
Eliz Adams
Dorothy Pease