in the name of god amen the
Rich Walker
of Much Maplested in the county of Essex yeoman being sick of body but in good and perfect remembrance praise be god do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god trusting assuredly through the death and passion of christ jesus to have remission of all my sins and this life ended to attain everlasting life and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Maplested aforesaid and concerning my temporal estate my mind and will is and I do give and bequeath unto
my son and his heirs immediately after my wife's decease all those my messuage or tenement and lands with the appurtenances which I late purchased of
Jn Reade
yeoman lying and being in Earls Colne in the said county upon this condition following that he my said son
shall at his accomplishing of his age of 21yr convey and assure all that his reversion which he hath in the fields called Gividivers Field lying in Maplested aforesaid after the decease of
Joan Mayle
his aunt unto
Wm Walker
my son and to his heirs if he be then living or in case he be deceased then to such person or persons as my executors or any of them then living shall appoint or else that he my said son
shall pay unto my said son
the sum of 120li of lawful English money if he be then living or else if he shall then be deceased the same money to be equally paid unto the rest of my children then living and if my said son
shall refuse to assure the said reversion as aforesaid or to pay the said 120li as aforesaid then my mind and will is that the said tenement and lands purchased of the said
Jn Rede
and the surrender thereupon made shall be those of my said
and his heirs item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
the sum of 40li of lawful english money to be paid to her at her age of 25yr by my executors hereafter mentioned item I give unto
my daughter the sum of 80li of lawful english money to be paid unto her by my executors at her age of 22yr if she be then living and if the said
my daughter happen to decease without issue before her said age of 25yr or my said daughter
before her said age of 22yr then my mind and will is that the portions of my said daughters
or either of them so dying shall be equally divided amongst the rest of my children then living item I give unto
my sons to either of them the sum of 20s of lawful english money to be paid unto them at their several ages of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter and her heirs one close of pasture being in Earls Colne aforesaid which I bought of
Barth Clarke
item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife
Ann Walker
the lease of the house and lands where I now live with all the stock thereupon and all my debts goods and chattels she paying my debts and these legacies and bringing up my son
at his learning in the university and my other children in decent manners item I give unto mr
vicar of Maplested aforesaid 10s lawful english money item to mr
preacher of god's word at Heningham Castle 20s of like money item to mrs
10s like money item to the poor of Maplested aforesaid I give the sum of 40s to be paid and distributed by my executors within one month next after my decease and all the rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts and legacies paid I give unto my said wife whom together with my brother in law
Jn Freborne
I make and ordain executors of this my last will and testament and I desire my brother in law
Jn Alison
to be overseer of the same in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first abovesaid sealed signed subscribed and published in the presence of
Thos Mayle
Edw Bretton
Joan Mayle
Marge Alison
by me
Rich Walker