in the name of god amen I Hen Abbutt of Earls Colne in the county of Essex esq being weak in body but a sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to god do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following hereby revoking all former wills by me made first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of almighty god my most merciful creator hoping to be saved through the alone merits of jesus christ my most gracious redeemer and my body I desire may be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix and executor hereinafter named and as to that worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me I dispose thereof as followeth imprimis I give and bequeath unto Abigail my loving wife one half of my household goods standing and being in my now dwelling house to have the use of them during her widowhood and after her marriage or decease I give the same unto my executrix item I give unto my said wife all the goods and household stuff which were hers at the time of our intermarriage item I give to my executrix the other half of my household goods item I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Rose Abbutt and to her heirs forever all that my messuage or tenement with the lands and hopgrounds and orchards thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid which I lately purchased of Hen Adams with the malting office and buildings thereupon erected with the appurtenances item I give and bequeath unto her all my hop poles in and upon my hopgrounds but my will and meaning is that in case my eldest son Hen Abbutt shall and do pay unto my said daughter Rose Abbutt the sum of 350li of lawful money of Great Britain that then he shall have and enjoy my said messuage or tenement malting office hopground orchards and premises herein before given unto my said daughter Rose and also the said hop poles to him and his heirs forever and my will is that my said daughter Rose upon my said son Hen's payment of the said sum of 350li to her shall convey and deliver the same to him accordingly and shall discharge the monies due thereupon item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Rose Abbutt and her heirs forever all that my messuage and farm commonly called or known by the name of Monkdowns with all the lands meadows and pastures thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Great Coggeshall in the said county of Essex or elsewhere now in my own occupation also all my copyhold messuages lands and tenements with their appurtenances situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid except such as are settled upon my said son Hen and also all other my lands and grounds in Great Coggeshall aforesaid and all my tithes in Great Coggeshall aforesaid and in Little Coggeshall or either of them and also all my messuages lands and tenements in Kersey in the county of Suffolk but in case my said daughter Rose shall happen to die before she shall attain her age of 21yr without issue then I give and bequeath all my aforesaid messuages lands and tenements and hereditaments whatsoever herein before given unto my said daughter Rose Abbutt unto all my children namely Hen Joseph Edw Abigail Mary Grace and Joanna and their heirs forever and my will and meaning is that my said daughter Rose or her heirs shall and do pay unto my said son Edw the sum of 200li of lawful money of Great Britain at his age of 21yr together with interest for the same in the mean time at the rate of 5li percent per annum and that in case my said daughter Rose or her heirs shall refuse or neglect to pay unto my said son Edw the said 200li or any part thereof or the interest thereof then it shall and may be lawful to and for my said son Edw or his assigns to enter into and upon my said messuage farm and lands called Monkdowns and receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof until he shall be fully satisfied and paid the said 200li and all the interest together with his reasonable charges item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Joanna Abbutt and her heirs forever all that my reversion expectant upon the deaths of my brother in law Jn Owers gent and Grace his wife of all that my messuage or farm outhouses buildings barns and stables lands meadows pastures and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Wickambrook in the said county of Suffolk or parishes adjacent and now in the occupation of the said Jn Owers or his assigns and in case my said daughter Joanna shall happen to die without issue under the age of 21yr I give and bequeath my said messuage lands and premises herein before given unto her unto my said daughter Grace Abbutt and her heirs forever item my will and meaning is that in case my said son Hen Abbutt shall and do at any time or times hereafter molest trouble disturb or interrupt my said daughter Rose or her heirs in the enjoyment of the messuages lands or tenements goods or chattels which I have herein given unto her then that she shall not be any ways obliged by this my will to convey the said messuage malting office lands hopground orchards and premises unto him according to the order and direction herein before mentioned and that my said son Hen at the time of her conveying the same and delivering the said hop poles unto him shall seal execute and deliver unto her use a general release of all actions and demands whatsoever item all the rest and residue of my goods and chattels and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever after my debts legacies and funeral charges and probate of this my will shall be satisfied paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Rose Abbutt and lastly I do nominate and appoint my said daughter Rose Abbutt executrix and my friend and neighbour Solomon Grimston of Chappell alias Pontesbright in the said county of Essex gent executor of this my last will and testament and I give unto him for his care pains and trouble therein the sum of 50li in witness whereof to this my last will and testament I have set my hand and seal the 25.8.1710 Hen Abbutt signed sealed published and declared by the testator in our presence and in his presence attested and subscribed by us Jn Sparrow Eliz Meadows Sarah Sampson