Copyhold of Priory - quitrent 5s9d
for the orchard and Upper Coes ( (458) ) - quitrent £1.1s10d for Lower Coes ( (456) (493) (494) ) - vide rent roll 1756 etc. - mrs Mary Gee 24.1.1838 - under the will of her late husband Osgood Gee esq - To all those two orchards at Colne Green, whereof one lieth north of the free tenement containing half an acre - and the other east of the said tenement containing 40 rods - and also to a purpresture adjoining the said house containing 4 rods - and also to 20a of land called Coes , late Smith's (parcel whereof was heretofore called Hobstevens ) - and also to two closes called Lower Coes - Death fine
1822 the same a grant of enclosure from the waste - quitrent 6d
1838 mrs Mary Gee will of late husband Osgood Gee when she abandons the former grant from the waste of 1822 and is admitted 9.4.1838 to a larger portion thus described in the rolls
Copyhold of Priory - quitrent 1s6d - To a certain portion of the waste of this manor, abutting in part north and in part east upon the mansion garden and premises of the said Mary Gee situate at Earls Colne Green - south-west upon a road leading to Colne Engaine and south upon the high road leading from Halstead to Colchester one head thereof abutting upon the lord's waste called Colne Green, and as the same contains in the whole 25p more or less (all enfranchised 0.8.1865 )
The whole of mrs Gee's property now called Colne Green Farm , to the copyhold part of this she was admitted on the death of Osgood Gee esq 1838 - has been so confused and mixed together by removal and alteration of fences etc. that it would be impossible to separate and locate the respective parcels in a satisfactory manner from the Commutation map
The quantity of Upper and Lower Coes together with the two orchards, one of 2r to the north and the other of 1r to the east of the free tenement is 25a26p
the small purpresture in front of the free tenement granted from the waste in 1662 4p
the parcel of the waste granted in 1838 25p - total 25a1r15p
The following sketch will give a view of the premises as they were in 1838
For Upper Coes (which includes Hobstevens ) and Lower Coes with the two orchards see general map of mrs Gee's property
About the year 1840 mrs Gee erected a large mansion with offices - large walled garden etc. on her copyhold called Upper Coes - as bound to do by the licence granted 30.12.1839 which see on the rolls