Copyhold of Priory - quitrent 16s
Jn Goodall Lay 26.6.1794 death of father Mark Lay To all that customary messuage called Deadmans otherwise Debenhams and 50a of land more or less to the same belonging in Earls Colne
1742 Joseph Lea surrender Wm and Mary Willis
1794 death fine, with the above £126
Commutation map no. 175 (175) Homestead and garden 2r27p
no. 172 (172) (172a) Stable Field 8a3r21p
no. 174 (174) Cartlodge Field 5a3r35p
no. 173 (173) Calves Pasture 3a3r9p
no. 254 (254) (254a) White Bush 9a2r2p
no. 255 (255) Coggeshall Field 7a2r24p
no. 256 (256) Farther Beckland Wood Field 6a1r13p
no. 253 (253) First Beckland Wood Field 7a1r21p
no. 250 (250) (250b) Barn Field part of the residue mapped with Seven Acres - see Lay back 1a27p
quantity of Debenhams alias Burnt House by Commutation map 1836 51a1r19p
Quantity by mr Cole's map 1794 48a1r14p
quantity by Terrier 1598 fo. 114 and 115 48a34p
abstract of title no. 80
Debenhams acquired the name of Burnt House from a fire which happened there some years ago. The premises consist of a substantial farm house and buildings where mr J.G. Lay once lived