Copyhold of Priory Jas Taylor surrender Jn Mann 1.11.1848
To all that close of land containing by estimation 3a called Burchetts and a barn thereon built etc. - quitrent 1s
and also all that triangular piece of ground parcel of the waste called Rushpitt Green abutting on the one side on his said close called Burchetts on one side on Curds Road and on another side on the highway leading toward Coggeshall
1730 on death of Jn Bullock who left it between his three daughters - this property underwent much division and subdivision among his family in succession till
1803 Wm Mann was admitted on surrender of Jn Mann to one third and a moiety of one third
1818 the same on the several surrenders of Thurgood Marshall and Burgess to three several undivided fourth parts of a moiety - and on a grant from the lord to the other quarter part of the moiety
1833 Jn Mann death of father Wm
1835 Jn Mann death of father Jn
1847 the same - to grant of adjoining waste on Rushpit Green described above containing 2r4p
1848 purchase fine £20.12s
Commutation map no. 369 (369) Haunches Field - Jn Mann 3a2r10p
This does not include the waste 2r4p from Rushpit Green - enclosed in 1847 since the Commutation map was made
369 (369) the field called Haunches - properly Burchetts 3a19p
A - enclosure from Rushpit Green 2r4p (369a (369a) )
total 3a2r23p
The whole is now in one and in the latter portion a good cottage (now a beer shop) is built - with a small barn and other outbuildings - The barn which stood in Burchetts is down
Terrier 1598 Geo Cressener - croft called Burchetts 2a3r8p
rough abstract to titles no. 55