to the churchwardens and other the overseers of the poor of the parish of Markshall within the hundred of Lexden and to either of them whereas it hath appeared to us three of his majesty's justices of the peace of this county and residing within the limits and division where the parish of Great Coxall lieth and one of us being of the quorum that the inhabitants of the said parish of Great Coxall are not able to levy amongst themselves sufficient sums of money for the necessary relief of their poor nor to provide work for the children of such people as cannot maintain themselves nor their children now we the said justices pursuant to the statute made in the 43Eliz1 do hereby rate tax and assess these several and respective churchwardens and overseers of the several and respective parishes lying and being within the said hundred of Lexden and within the said division wherein the parish of Great Coxall lieth with several and respective sums of money by them to be paid to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Great Coxall aforesaid for the relief of their poor there according to the intent of the said statute and for that purpose we do hereby rate tax and assess you the said churchwardens and overseers of Markshall aforesaid with the s um of 20li and the same to pay to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Great Coxall aforesaid or some of them on or before the ensuing and hereof you are not to fail given under our hands and seals this 6.12.1697 Antho Abdy Edw Bullock Hen Ayloffe