complaint made to sir Antho Abdy Edw Bullock and Hen Ayloffe esq three justices of the peace by churchwardens and overseers of Great Coggeshall that by reason of a great number of poor more than ordinarily occasioned by a great and violent contagion of smallpox which hath utterly for want of trade impoverished many families they not able to levy sufficient sums for poor relief the said justices assess the turning to statute made 1600 to 1601 did rate tax and assess the inhabitants of Earls Colne with sum of 15li for necessary relief of Great Coggeshall and by order 18.4.1698 churchwardens and overseers of Earls Colne to levy and collect and pay same to churchwardens and overseers of Coggeshall before 28.4.1698 now on appeal of the churchwardens and overseers of Earls Colne on hearing divers witnesses on both sides court feels Earls Colne should not be taxed order of three justices of the peace set aside