item levy of Rich Paine and of Xoph Isacke 6d and of Nath Kinge 6d and of Jn Potter of Lagenhoe 6d of Edw Prentis 6d of Thos Aneley 6d of Thos Alytt 6d of Alice Leffingwell 6d Annes Boundes 6d of Edw Watson 6d of Geo Mould 6d of Roger Mould 6d of Jn Browne 6d of Jn Middleton 6d the younger of Wm Harrington 6d of Rich Hayward 6d and Wm Prentis 6d and of Eliz Prentis 6d and Alice Prentis 6d and of Jn Paine 6d and Peter Aliston 6d the several amercements set upon their heads