Nov: 16: This week past the lord dashed water into our wine, in my Johns illness, he showed us mercy in Tho: neck which was well, lord I am yours, and at your dispos(al) and I desire to submit to thee, and leave myself with thee, the lord was good to me in my spirit keeping of it in some measure in temper
this week I heard that November. 14: it was noted there should be a new representative it was carried but by 2 voices as said received from Mr Harlakenden my sermon at his wives funeral which he printed, I had a little piece of my drawing printed in Mr Harlakendens book, but this was my first at the press.
god was good to me in the Sabbath, I have cause to bemoan a slothful heart my son sweetly revived from under his cold this evening, an answer of prayer.
Luke. 2. 34: fall that is the Jews rejection: rising again that is their call; and the happiness of christ to the Jews is at their conversion to the faith, which Zach: prophesied Luke. 1. 71. 74. is then to be fulfilled for indeed christs coming brought in the Jews destruction, and their bondage continues on them to this day.