Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr77)

26.5.1624 (Wednesday 26 May 1624)

document 38101044

it is further shown by the said homage that Robt Rookes a customary tenant of this manor out of court viz 2.5.last surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Simon Ive instead of the bailiff in the presence of Thos Smith and Ambrose Waller two customary tenants the same testifying according to the custom of the said manor all that customary land called Olivers Croft sometime divided into two parcels containing by estimation 2a with a certain barn built thereon in the said Earls Colne to the use and behoof of Jane Machin widow and her heirs upon this condition however that if the aforesaid Robt Rookes his heirs executors or as signs should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Jane Machin her executors administrators or assigns the sum of 36li6s on or before 30.5.1625 at or in the now dwelling house of the aforesaid Jane in the said Earls Colne or some other fulfilment for the said 36li6s at or before the said day that then the said surrender should be void otherwise it should stand in its full force and effect