and furthermore it is shown by the homage that Jn Church gentleman customary tenant of this manor to himself and his heirs according as it is clearly shown by the court roll bearing the date 28.3.1627 after the last court and before this viz 1.7.1633 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Jn Reade instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Hawksby and Dan Lea two customary tenants of the said manor according to the custom of the said manor one piece or parcel of customary land called Little Bridgemans in the tenure and occupation of the said Jn Church or his assigns abutting against a certain parcel of land of the said Jn Church to the east and upon a parcel of land called Pitchards to the south and upon lands of Thos Prior called Lovelands to the west and upon a lane leading from Earls Colne to Colne Engaine to the north to the use and behoof of Dyonisia Hawksby wife of Jn Hawksby clerk and Sarah Hawksby daughter of the said Jn and Dyonisia and the heirs of the said Dyonisia and Sarah forever who present here in court humbly seek admittance to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have to themselves and their heirs forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fine and were admitted tenants but fealty was respited