item they present that Jn Ludgater clerk Edw Elliston gentleman Jn Little gentleman Edw Hewson in right of his wife Wm Aylett the heirs of Jas Godscall Wm Heckford Jn Savill Wm Gladwin Robt Nicholls Ann Walker widow Edw Spooner Rich Caplin Edw Browne Jn Clerke Hen Aymes Thos Cockerill Edw Pilgrim Wm Ennew Grace Abbott Wm Adams junior Rich Bridge in right of his wife Wm Davye Mary Pake Jn Stephens Wm Prentice Robt Andrews Jn Amye Robt Garrard in right of his wife Robt Harris Jn Rushbrooke Rich Warde Jn Pennocke Joseph Burton in right of his wife Geo Hunwicke Mary Gibson Susan Gibson Jas Prior Edw Grant in right of his wife Thos Bullocke are tenants of this manor and owe suit of court and this day made default therefore each of them in mercy 2d