fine 12d | to this court came Wm Homond chaplain Jn Bampton and Rich Cope and surrendered into the hands of the lord one cottage with curtilage adjoining sometime of Jn Gosse according as it lies between a messuage of Thos Bonyle on one part and a messuage of Wm Atte Wod on the other part to the use of Wm Atte Wod and Robt Kyrton upon this condition however that if the aforesaid Wm and Robt should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Wm Jn and Rich or their attorneys 4li3s4d viz at easter next following after this date 20s sterling and at the feast of easter then next following a further 20s and at the feast of easter then next following a further 20s and at the feast of easter then next following a further 23s4d that then this surrender should stand in full force and vigour and if it should happen that the aforesaid Wm and Robt or their assigns should default in the aforesaid payment of the aforesaid 4li3s4d in part or in whole at any of the aforesaid terms then the aforesaid Wm Jn and Rich or their attorneys should truly be allowed to reenter into the aforesaid cottage with appurtenances and keep it by licence of the lord notwithstanding this surrender to whom the lord at this court surrendered thereof seisin to hold to the same said Wm and Robt the heirs and assigns of Wm from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient service and custom according to the custom of the manor upon the aforesaid condition saving the rights etc and they gave to the lord for a fine as is shown in the margin and made fealty etc |