four that he knoweth certain portions of tithes lying in Aldham Essex sometimes by report belonging to the said late priory of Colne which parcel of tithes this deponent did occupy and enjoy for the space of five years or thereabouts as tenant to mr
Roger Harlakenden
now defendant and paid him 20s a year rent for the same so that the said mr
Roger Harlakenden
hath had in all of this deponent for rent due for that parcel of the tithe that this deponent so held as aforesaid some 4li or 5li or thereabouts but further to this interrogatory as touching what profit the said mr
hath received or how much rent he hath received by and for all the tithes mentioned in this interrogatory or any of them more than for that parcel late in this deponent's occupation since
he saith he cannot depose nor can depose more than as aforesaid anything material touching the yearly value of all or any of the tithes nor more etc
Jn Green