three and four that at an assizes holden for the said county of Essex in or about 38Eliz1 there was a trial then had in an ejection firme between the said mr Harlakenden this deponent's then master being then lord of the said manor or his lessee or farmer and the said Robt Partridge for and concerning the title of the said tenement and lands called Curds for he saith that he was attending upon the said Roger Harlakenden his late master at the same assizes and was then informed and did understand of the said trial and he saith albeit he cannot now call to mind that he was present at the said trial yet he remembreth that he was then told by one Robt Cobbe who was then the said mr Harlakenden's clerk and was there also attending upon his said master and that did lie with him this deponent that the said Robt Partridge did at the said trial claim the said tenement and lands called Curds as copyhold by copy of court roll of the said manor of Earls Colne and that the said mr Harlakenden their then master made title to the same as lord of the said manor by reason of a forfeiture committed by him the said Robt Partridge and as this deponent then heard it reported and believeth upon the said trial there was a verdict and judgement hereupon given for this deponent's then master and this deponent knowing that after the said judgement this deponent's said master was put in possession of the said tenement and lands by the said sheriff of the said county to this deponent himself by the appointment and for his said master did keep the possession thereof some four or five days and he saith that his said late master and some for him did keep and continue in the possession of the said tenement and lands until there was an agreement made between him and the said Robt Partridge and this is all he saith to these two interrogatories