Star Chamber (PRO STAC8/163/9 Rich Harlakenden v Wm Eedies et al)

16.7.4Jas1 (Wednesday 16 July 1606)

document 19100826

Wm Strutte miller Colchester says he paid three and a half years rent to Rich Harlakenden or three years of it before he knew that Wm Eedies paid rent also he bought the interest of Wm Eedies for three and a half years and had not then heard of any other lease that Eedies had half a year past was when first heard of the new lease and he heard that Mary Eedies had the new lease and kept it from the knowledge of her husband and that this new lease was made to Hen Pullen and Mary his daughter when he first took the mill he entered into a bond to keep it free of all controversy as at that time there was an argument between the Eedies and Clarke and his wife about it one peck of wheat to Eedies a week and on the 15.5. 16.5. and 17.5. of may last past made a demand of 10li for his half years rent but did not continue at the mill till the setting of the sun on either of the days on 17.5. he asked Robt Peartree to go with him to get the rent for one of the men at the mill was weaponed and as a witness but he had no conference in any alehouse before with Peartree nor did he promise any reward to the constable only saw Jn Cooper with a pitchfork and he saw and forest bill lying in the mill he did not see Sam Diglette offer to hit him with a crow of iron but on the 17.5. he came unto the mill and trying to press down the shuttle of the mill and his back to Diglette he as the constable later avowed took up a crow of iron and came towards him as if he meant to strike him he didn't see Diglette strike the legs of Mary or see her fall he thinks it was in the afternoon of the 17.5. that they were together alone there he is not getting any money and bearing the charges of the case he does not know who is bearing the charge of the suit at common law