this indenture made 16.6.34Eliz1 between Jn Drawater of London gentleman and Jn Holmes of Tilbury Essex on the one part and Roger Harlakenden of Earls Colne esq on the other part witnesseth that whereas our said sovereign lady the queens majesty above said by her highnesses letter patent under the great seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 8.6.34Eliz1 for considerations the said letters patents appearing did deliver grant and farm demise unto the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes amongst other things the house of the late Priory and site ground walk circuit and precinct the house and late Priory or monastery of the blessed mary the virgin and st jn the evangelist in Earls Colne and the church belfry and the churchyard of the said late Priory or monastery and all messuages houses edifices barns granges dovehouses orchards gardens stagnes ponds land and soil to the said house priory or monastery appertaining or belonging and all that manor of Colne alias Colne Priory in Earls Colne with all lands tenements meadows feedings pastures and hereditaments whatsoever to the Priory or monastery and the said manor or either of them belonging or appertaining or with them or any of them occupied or demised or reputed or known as part parcel of member of the premises or of any part or parcel thereof and all that rectory church vicarage and chapel of Earls Colne with the appurtenances and the advowson patronage donation rectory vicarage and chapel of Earls Colne and the right of patronage of the same and all and singular glebes tithes as well pardial as temporal and next to the said rectory vicarage and chapel belonging or appertaining and all manors messuages lands tenements meadows feedings pastures woods underwoods mills assarts waters stagnes ponds fishings commons rents annuities pensions portions tithes fee farms reversions services knights fees wards marriages releifs escheats warrens liberties franchises courts leets views of frankpledge and all which to view of frankpledge appertaineth and other hereditaments whatsoever to the said late Priory of Earls Colne and rectories vicarages and chapels advowsons of the churches rectories vicarages chantries and chapels aforesaid or to any of them belonging or appertaining and all and singular demesne lands manor and park of Earls Colne with appurtenances in the county aforesaid and one meadow called Hallmeade in Earls Colne with all lands tenements meadows feeding pastures and hereditaments to the same appertaining to have hold and enjoy all and singular the premises before in and by these presents mentioned amongst divers other things unto the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes their executors administrators and assigns from the day of the date of the said letters patents unto the end and term and by the term and for and during the term of 100years from thence next following and fully to be complete and ended if the premises or any part or parcel thereof shall so long happen to continue in the hands of our said sovereign lady the queens majesty her heirs or successors at and for certain yearly rents thereupon reserved payable as in and by the said letters patents more fully and at large it doth and may appear this indenture further witnesseth that the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes as well for and in consideration of the sum of 200li of lawful english money to them in hand paid by the said Roger Harlakenden whereof they acknowledge themselves fully satisfied as also for divers good causes and reasonable considerations them thereunto especially moving have granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents do fully wholly and absolutely grant bargain and sell unto the said Roger Harlakenden all the state right title interest term of years benefit claim and demand of the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes and either of them of in and to the said house of the said late Priory and site ground walk circuit and precinct of the said late Priory or monastery of the blessed mary the virgin and st jn the evangelist of Earls Colne and of in and to the said church belfry and churchyard of the said late Priory or monastery and of in and to all the said messuages houses edifices barns granges dovehouses orchards gardens stagnes ponds lands and soil to the site of the said house Priory or monastery appertaining or belonging and of in and to the said manor of Colne alias Colne Priory in Earls Colne with all lands tenements meadows feedings pastures and hereditaments whatsoever to the site of the said Priory or monastery and to the said manor or either of them belonging or appertaining or with them or any of them occupied or demised or reputed or known as part parcel or member of the site and manor or of any part or parcel thereof and of and to the said rectory church vicarage and chapel of Earls Colne with the ap purtenances and the advowson patronage donation rectory vicarage and chapel of Earls Colne and the right of patronage of the same and of in and to all and singular the said glebes and tithes to the said rectory vicarage and chapel belonging or appertaining and of in and to all t he said manors messuages land tenements meadows feedings pastures woods underwoods mills assarts waters stagnes ponds fishing commons annuities rents reversions services knights fees wards marriages reliefs escheats warrens liberties franchises courts leets views of frankpledge and all and to view of frankpledge appertaineth and other hereditaments whatsoever appertaining to the site and manor of the said late priory of Earls Colne and rectory vicarage and chapel and advowso n of the church rectory vicarage chantries and chapel of Earls Colne aforesaid or to any of them belonging or appertaining and of in and to all and singular the said demesne lands common and park of Earls Colne and the said meadow called Hall Meadow and the said lands tenements meadows feeding pastures and hereditaments to the same appertaining and of in and to all the pensions portions and tithes issuing happening growing renewing or coming in Aldham in the county of Essex Aldham in the county of Suffolk Lavenham Halstead Mount Bures Sible Hedingham and Maplestead in the said county of Essex being parcel of the pensions portions and tithes before mentioned by the said letters patents demised as aforesaid and to the said late Priory of Earls Colne and rectory vicarage and other the premises or some of them belonging or appertaining to have and to hold to the said Roger Harlakenden his executors administrators and assigns in as large ample and beneficial manner and form to all intents and purposes as the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes or either of them may can might should or ought to occupy or enjoy the same by force or virtue of the said recited letters patents and the said Roger Harlakenden for him his executors administrators and assigns doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes and either of them their or either of their executors administrators and assigns by these presents that he the said Roger Harlakenden his executors administrators or assigns or some or one of them shall and will yearly during the said term mentioned in the said letters patents well and truly satisfy and pay unto the said sovereign lady the queens majesty her heirs and successors the sum of 20s of lawful english money at the feast of st michael the archangel and the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary at the receipt of her highnesses exchequer at Westminster by even portions as parcel of the rents by the said letters patents reserved and the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes for them and either of themselves their and either of their executors and administrators do covenant promise and grant to and with the said Roger Harlakenden his executors administrators and assigns by these presents that the premises and every part and parcel thereof before by these presents mentioned or intended to be bargained sold or assigned with all and singular their appurtenances now are and be and at all times hereafter during all the term by the said letters patents demised shall continue remain and be unto the said Roger Harlakenden his executors administrators and assigns free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged or sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes or one of them or one of their executors administrators or assigns of and from all and all manner of former or other bargain sales gifts grants surrenders tithes charges troubles and incumbrances whatsoever made committed procured or done by the said Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes or either of them their or either of their executors administrators or assigns or by their or either of their means title assent or procurement the rents in and by the said letters patents reserved only excepted in witness whereof the parties aforesaid to these present indentures inderchangeably have put their hands and seals the day and year first above written Jn Drawater J H Jn Holmes
18.3.1640 this deed was shown to Jn Reade concerning which he hath deposed in his deposition to the twenty fifth interrogatory on the part of Rich Harlakenden defendant on his examination before us commissioners and likewise to Wm Brand upon his examination Isaac Colls H Raymond Nath Joyner
at the request of mr Israel Amyce and by my consent this deed is sealed and delivered by the above named Jn Drawater and Jn Holmes Fr Amyce
court of wards and liveries memo this writing was showed to Francis Stonard esq a witness produced on the behalf of Rich Harlakenden one of the defendants at the suit of Aubery earl of Oxford by information produced at the time of his examination taken in the said court 4.6.1640 Hen Audely sealed and delivered in the presence of us Clem Stonard Jn Heibem Thos Anderson