twenty sixth week workhouse 26.3.1744 26.3.1744 by payment of bill to Jn White 10s11d 26.3.1744 by payment to his mother for curing Brewer 3s 26.3.1744 by payment Francis Martin 5s6d 26.3.1744 by payment mr Pattrick for quarterage and bridge money 19s9d 27.3.1744 by charges on Rebecca Fairhead account 10s6d 28.3.1744 making the rate 2s6d confirming the rate 2s6d 28.3.1744 Robt Hall a bill for shoes 7s6d 28.3.1744 Jos Cook a bill for yeast et c 7s2d 28.3.1744 mr Harrington a bill for milk and a horse journey 1li2s11d 28.3.1744 Jn Williamson a bill 9li13s 28.3.1744 Isaac Potter for half years salary 12s 30.3.1744 Jos Pond's bill for meat 4s4d 30.3.1744 Jn Unwin a bill 12s6d 30.3.1744 dr Smith for half years salary 2li7s3d 30.3.1744 Wm Root for half years rent 1li10s 30.3.1744 Joseph Cook for thirteen weeks government of the house due and ended on tuesday 27.3.1744 3li5s 30.3.1744 mrs Abbott for laying out the wife of Dan Middleton junior an uncommon birth 1li11s6d 30.3.1744 Jos Bott's own bill 12li2s8d1h 30.3.1744 expenses at town meeting 10s 37li6d1h