Overseers Accounts (ERO D/P209/12/1)

25.9.1749 (Monday 25 September 1749)

document 11701369

25.9.1749 to mr Ruffle a bill for grinding 1li13s to mr Jeremy Breasier a bill for shoes 2li4s4d to mr Jn Sankster a bill 1li4s to Geo Cliter a bill 7s10d to mrs Harrington a bill for milk
see below 2li16s to mr Jeff Cook a bill 1li15s3d to quarterage and bridge money 18s9d to Rich Pratt a bill 2s2d1h to mr Jos Bott a bill 12li9s8d to Jn Unwin a bill 9s to mr Robinson a bill 10s5d to dr Smith's half years salary 2li7s3d to Rich Chaplin half years salary for looking after the clock 12s to mr Harrington for half years rent for the pesthouse 1li10s to Rich Foset a bill 18s to Plampin Wenden a bill for meat 8li10s6d to Rich Chaplin a quarter salary more ending 29.9.1749 6s to making and confirming the rate 5s to expenses at the rate making     to Eliz Catly relief 1s6d illegible text to Jn Finch for shaving 8s6d to Jn Williamson himself for two pigs delivered to the workhouse 14s total 77li16s2d1h this account is posted to the workhouse book marked B